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‘I’m afraid for your life’ is what the couple counselor said to me. She was talking about the fact that my ex had beaten me, and I was sitting alone, in front of her, trying to figure out how to keep the relationship together. Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. It had been a couple of days since the fight and most of the swelling had gone down. I was certain that I had applied enough makeup to hide my black eye and bruised cheek. Clearly, I had not.

Years later, after healing, I would find myself volunteering at a local domestic violence women’s shelter. I would do this emotionally draining rewarding work for two straight years while attending law school. 

I always knew I would eventually work again with survivors of Domestic Violence because of the reactions I experienced. There is a shame that is attached to being a survivor. I have been told “But you look so well put together”, “You are so smart, how did that happen”, “No way. Not funny. Wait, you are not joking?”. Each time I would find myself educating the person about Domestic Violence while working on removing the shame attached to being a survivor.

Hence, the birth of Discernment Journey Ministries, Inc. One of our biggest challenges is funding a project where the individuals who benefit have been the victims of some of the most heinous acts that the world would prefer to ignore. As we launch our "Give Hope, Give Love, Give a Donation" campaign, it is my hope that you will join us in this effort to change the lives of thousands of women.

Your generous donation will go towards shining a light on these women so can normalize stopping Domestic Violence and Human/Sex Trafficking while embracing our sisters moving into freedom. It is my hope and dream that each woman has the same opportunity, as I did, to move out of the darkness into the light. 

Germaine Z. English
C.E.O., President and Founder

Germaine English
Brenda's School
Bev's House
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